Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Hair history

I love these so I thought I’d do one of my own.

black 001

Jan/Feb 2006

I always had long hair. I experimented with a fringe and a few layers but that’s it. This is my hair at it’s longest, I’d only get the fringe cut(by my mum!) but my hair was always in really good condition. I HATED IT.

new hurr! 005

April/May 06
I started earning my own real money and went for the chop. I had loads of layers put through and my fringe cut from the back so I had no centre parting



Oct/Nov 06
I went for a one length bob. I loved this hair, I could do so much with it and it looked lovely straight or curly. As my hair’s super thick, I had the back cut into, so it was like an undercut, but my longer hair covered it.


July 08
I went for another change, and had the sides cut shorter, along with the back. I also had my undercut extended round to the side of my hair. You can see what I mean in this post. Excuse the non straightened front part- I had no working straighteners in Vegas!


May 09
I had my fringe cut at an angle, which I loved but the cut was very hit and miss.


I have the same cut, with a short, straight fringe and it’s bright red. I’d never had my hair dyed before so it took the colour really well. I love it.

Link me to your hair history if you’ve done one.



Lu - The Pink Bandit said...

I love hair historys too :) Will probs do one eventually. I really love your recent cuts. x

Caz said...

I've never died my hair so my hair history would be quite boring, I'd love to die it darker but im not sure if it would suit me.

Emma said...

Great hair history.
I did one on my blog agessss ago lol
But i found it for ya

I love these posts too

jennie said...

Ooh you suit so many styles, I'm so jealous! I love your hair colour now, it's gorgeous. xo

Charms said...

mac cosmetics sale

I started with a shoulder length hair. And when I work in another country, I've been busy and haven't got the time to go to saloon and cut them down. I end up with a waist length hair. Made it rebond and dye and that's the most loved hair I ever had. Too sad I go home and have to cut it out because of the hot climate we have.