001. Cats. I've been cat sitting for my friend Sarah and it's so nice to have cat time. I've spent all afternoon talking to them, I really am a crazy cat lady! I've been campaigning for a cat since we bought our own place and am currently trying to find a persian breeder in Hampshire.
002. Sunshine! This last week has been glorious, I really hope the weather lasts now.
003. Knee length dresses. I'm quite self conscious of my legs but I hate wearing jeans or leggings in this heat. I found a lovely mid length coral dress in Primark
for £5!
004. Crazy golf. New addiction. I played 3 times last week at the Pirate themed course on Clarence Pier in Southsea. I even won a game! £3.50 for an hour's hilarity.
005. White plimsolls. I've never bought into the white plimsoll thing before. I recently caved, bought some and love them. Why? A. They're crazy cheap, £2.50 for new shoes, B. they're hella comfy and C. They go with everything.

001. Patchy tan. I'm scrubbing and scrubbing. I want to reapply but I know it will make the patches worse if I do. I'm wearing jeans until my pasty legs can be golden(or orange depending on your tan opinion) again.
002. Working in an office in the heat. Phew. No air con for some reason. Sunshine streaming in the window. Sticking to my chair. Yuck.
003. Removing glitter polish. I had an incident and spilled nail polish remover all over me. I've bought a twist off nail polish removal pot to see if it's easier.
004. Lack of maxi dresses. I'm fussy with the style of my maxi's. I've seen so many amazing racer back styles but they just don't suit me. I prefer a bandeau style and cannot find one that will suit me to wear to a birthday party. Stressy times!
I have more likes than dislikes! I'm pretty happy all together at the moment. I'm not sure if many people do these posts anymore but you should! Link me if you do.
I love these posts! I hope you keep doing them
Ahh Clarence Pier is right by my flat, I need to get my ass down there!
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