Monday, 10 January 2011

Put your man in the can, honey

Hi dolls!

I’m back from my rather long blogging break.  Christmas and New Year were awesome but I feel like getting back into regular posting.  My work hours have just changed with gives me some home alone time in the evening which seems perfect for blogging.

Finally managed to find a reasonable set up for outfit posts so I thought I’d start with one.

DSCN1131 DSCN1135

Skirt-Dorothy Perkins
Boots- Dorothy Perkins.

Simples but effective. No jewellery. I like the grunge feel.


♥Music Fashion Clutter ♥ said...

Love this shirt.. xx

Leanne said...

So make a stand for your man honey, try to can the can! Put your man in the can honey, get him while you can!
Ahhh I love me a bit of Suzi Quattro :D I was singing that to Colin the other day, he hates it. Hahaha

On topic though, that shirt is shit hot. Your hair's looking fab! xo