I love these so I thought I’d do one of my own.
Jan/Feb 2006
I always had long hair. I experimented with a fringe and a few layers but that’s it. This is my hair at it’s longest, I’d only get the fringe cut(by my mum!) but my hair was always in really good condition. I HATED IT.
April/May 06
I started earning my own real money and went for the chop. I had loads of layers put through and my fringe cut from the back so I had no centre parting
Oct/Nov 06
I went for a one length bob. I loved this hair, I could do so much with it and it looked lovely straight or curly. As my hair’s super thick, I had the back cut into, so it was like an undercut, but my longer hair covered it.
July 08
I went for another change, and had the sides cut shorter, along with the back. I also had my undercut extended round to the side of my hair. You can see what I mean in this post. Excuse the non straightened front part- I had no working straighteners in Vegas!
May 09
I had my fringe cut at an angle, which I loved but the cut was very hit and miss.
I have the same cut, with a short, straight fringe and it’s bright red. I’d never had my hair dyed before so it took the colour really well. I love it.
Link me to your hair history if you’ve done one.