On Thursday I and many others attended a bloggers event at the L'oreal headquarters in Hammersmith, hosted by Maybelline.
When I read the invite to this I was really excited, I genuinely love Maybelline products and usually buy any new products by them.
I met
Charlotte at Fareham train station around 11 as we live quite near to each other and we caught the train to Waterloo.
Charlotte, by the way, is fantastic. Please do check out her blog(click her name!) and we spent the whole time chatting about blogging and make up.
We met up with
Leanne at Waterloo and made our way to Covent Garden, and met up with
Sophie and
Lydia. All 5 of us being make up fantatics, we took a wee trip to Charles Fox, MAC, Shu Umera, Space Nk and Screenface.
I thought I was very reserved and although I saw I lot of stuff I LOVED, I managed to come away with this haul

I got both brushes in Charles Fox as they were insanely cheap, the pencil brush is amazing. In MAC I picked up satin l/s in Rebel and Rue d'rouge Dazzleglass, both of which I wanted in Scotland but they'd sold out of.

I also picked up some GA lashes, buy one, get one half price in Superdrug yesterday so I thought I'd throw those in the photo too. I got Cheryl and Kimberly's. I'm usually rubbish with false lashes but I'll give it a go tonight and take some photos etc for a review if they go well.
Anyway, back to Maybelline! We finished our shopping and caught the tube to Hammersmith and were welcomed at L'oreal by Natalie. The building was really cool and we went all the way to the top, to what seemed like a really cool staff canteen(with coffee bar!) and we served drinks, sarnies and Percy Piggies :)
After chatting and scoffing, we sat down to a presentation by Charlotte and the two Katies from Maybelline. Charlotte was incredible looking, I was LOVING her hair!
After a wee introduction to the brand, we were told about the two new products from Maybelline, both of which I'd already looked into a bit, but hadn't purchased yet.
Pulse Perfection vibrating mascara is the first high street mascara to adopt a vibrating head, which helps to seperate your lashes. I was actual quite sceptical about this, and was ready to put it down to gimmick but I used it in my Maybelline FOTD and it's amazing. I was pleasently surprised. I'm planning a proper review on it
Colour Sensational is a new range of highly pigmented lipsticks which come in a huge range of colours. I actually managed to get 10 of these from the event so I'll post a pic of each one as I wear it. I tried one on the way home and found it had a really moisturising formula and a really shimmery colour.
Katie went on to tell us about the rest of the range, most of which I was already really familar with and then we were let lose on the make up! They'd set up a foundation bar, seperate testers of bronzing, lip and eye products and had 2 MUA giving out tips and doing make overs. it was really nice to chat to everyone from Maybelline about products I love.
We were given the MOST generous gift bags, and it seemed everytime I swatched something, I was told to keep it. Also, by the end, anyone left was told to just take anything we wanted from the tables, most of which was brand new and un opened. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Face Products close up

eye products close up

Lips and nails close up

This was a really great afternoon and I would like to thank Natalie, Charlotte, the two Katies and everyone at Maybelline for inviting me and hosted such a fun afternoon.
Afterwards, Charlotte, Soph and I walked out of Pizza Express(!) and Charlotte and I were nearly sick on by a drunk girl on the train home but they are other stories!
Hope everyone else had a fab time too
P.S Please also click on Sophie, Lydia and Leanne and check out their blogs too. I had such fun with these ladies. Thanks for being a social outcast with me :DXOXO