Monday, 20 July 2009

Boots are made for walking

All this rubbish weather has me yearning for new boots already. I'm already over sandals again!
Here's a few on my wish list, they're all really cheap but I'm trying really hard not to buy any more clothes, shoes or make up this month( it's been 1 week, 2 days. I'm impressed!)

and these beauties

Grey Cowboy boots
They're all really cheap so I know I'll be getting at least one pair next month. What ones should I start with?
My lovely boyfriend has also offered to buy me a new camera, does anyone have any recommendations?


ForDGRedial said...

I got a nikon s225 and it is amazing!! Jessops x

Emma x said...

wow where are those boots from?

Anonymous said...

Very nicee, i'm following you now, please return the favor.

Virtues of Beauty said...

I like the last pair! Very nice! - Are they pewter?

...Thanks for joining my blog! (",)

Unknown said...

@Em. The boots are from really nice website

@Patience- yeah they're grey, maybe a little paler than pewter. I love them too, very practical in this weather.