Hi ladies
Again, I've been a bit slack in the blogging department recently. I've been feeling quite down about things lately so I haven't really had the motivation to blog about anything. I find it quite hard to get my laptop to myself to get any blogging done, there's always things I need to be doing or others using it or my time!
I also actually despise adding photos to my blog because it's so laborious dragging them to the place you want, is it only me that finds that?
Also, my cam on my phone isn't great for taking detailed shots, I think I'm going to have to start using my real camera for pics.
Sorry for the moan, just unhappy me peeping through into my writing. Hopefully I should pull myself together and start writing properly soon. I've bought so much stuff recently that it's begging for a haul
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone following, I love reading everyone's blogs!
Lots of love,
awh, i hope you feel better soon!
and you dont have to drag the pics hun, if you go to the edit html bit, find the pic, its usually the bit that starts < a= href > and ends < / a > and just cut it and paste it where you like! xx
hi, girl! i know what you mean about the dragging the pics part! HATE THAT TOO. maybe there's a technique we don't know of? eh.
aww, I hate those gloom-induced writer's block. No worries, this too shall pass :D i just followed your blog, I'd love it if you can return the gesture :D
Yes thats one of the colors I have..It looks lovely in the tube but like you said once it's on!! Yumm smells delicious, I wouldn't be very happy if I payed £12!! x
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