Friday, 23 October 2009

New York, New York

Start spreading the neeeeeews,
I’m leaving todaaaaaaaaay..

Well actually I’m leaving tomorrow for NYC so I won’t be blogging for a while but when I come back, expect haul posts aplenty!  I realise I’ve been a rubbish blogger recently but I get a bit worried and nervous before holidays (as you’ll know if you follow me on twitter) so I haven’t been able to concentrate on much!

I might tweet whilst I’m out there but I’m sure I might be too busy!

See you in a week



Saturday, 17 October 2009

Help? Urban Decay

Once upon a time there was a wee girl who loved buying make up.  She spent all her pocket money on it, but because she was little, she could only afford cheap brands. She would read her magazines and gaze in wonder at UD. The amazing colours and the even better names.


On a shopping trip after her birthday, she decided to part with her precious birthday gold and buy some UD nail polish.  This polish was £8, which was a fortune to the little girl but the nail polish was the brightest, pinkest sparkly polish she’d ever seen and she had to have it.

Excited, she rushed home and painted her nails with it.  She was bitterly disappointed.  The polish was watery, took ages to dry and chipped within hours of applying it.  Every so often she would try the polish again, in hope that it had magically changed, but each time the polish threw the same problems at her.  She eventually gave in and threw it away and vowed to never touch UD again.

That’s my sorry story.  I actually haven’t touched UD since( I was about 11 or 12 at the time) but I’m now getting drawn in by the e/s.  There’s the famous UDPP which I’m curious about trying and the Book of Shadows look gorgeous.  This happened over 10 years ago and I’m now well aware that if you don’t like one type of product from the brand, it doesn’t mean you won’t like it all.

My question to you is do you like UD? What do you think the best products are and what would you recommend to me?


Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Winter Coat

For a while I’ve been trying to decide what coat to buy for winter. I have loads but they’re not very expensive or warm and I felt I should treat myself to a more expensive coat.
I’ve been searching high and low and haven’t been able to find any that I really liked.  My mum then reminded me of this little beaut I had in my cupboard and I realised I already had a perfect coat!


I bought it about 3 years ago for a fiver from a charity shop and it completely works with A/W 09’s big shouldered trend.

It’s 100% wool and sooo thick and warm.


I LOVE it and it’s saved me splashing out on a new coat!

What do you think?


Monday Poll

I love these but I always forget to do them and then it’s Tuesday! Technically it is Tuesday now as it’s past midnight but I don’t care

Taken from

1. Mood: Irritated. Why are bedtimes so un-restful when my bf is here?

2. Do you read or study with the TV or music playing in the background? I always do things with either the TV or music on in the background. It’s company. Although when I read before sleep, it has to be silent.

3. Do you wear glasses? I wear glasses for VDU(computer work) I leave mine at work as I’d rather go without at home than forget them and have to work without them.

4. Outfit: slouchy bf jeans, plaid shirt and stone uggs. Comfy work day

5. Cold weather — love it or hate it? I love cold nights but I’d rather it was hot during the day

6. Eyes/Lips/Cheeks: Collection 2000 fast stroke liquid liner, cargo lash extender stuff, Maybelline dream mousse blush and bare lips

7. What was the last nice thing to happen to you? I got a new pair of boots from Dorothy Perkins with 20% off :D

8. Something you’d like to remind yourself of today: Don’t get stressed. Not everything is your fault

9. Guys who carry man purses — yes or no? Yes. It means that my stuff can be carried when it doesn’t fit in my own bag

10. Weekly goals: To get everything sorted for NYC. Taxis, money, insurance and visas


Sunday, 4 October 2009


Just a quick look using some of my new e/s and Too Dolly quad.




Products used- Mac Too Dolly quad, Barry M Dazzle dust in Fuchsia and MAC Electric Eel


Blog Sale Haul

Everyone seems to be holding blog sales at the moment (it worries me that I’m just adding and adding to my collection!) and you can bag some real bargains! I’ve recently bought a couple of things from Caroline and Laura that I thought I’d share.
First of all, MAC e/s and blush


Fun and Games blush- I wanted this when HK came out and it was sold out :( I love it, new fav peachy colour

Strange mix of colours for me but I really love them all. MMM Stars & Rockets is beautiful

I also picked up a few other things, St Moriz (I couldn’t find it cheap anywhere!) and a 15 pan palette(my CCO has sold out atm and I refuse to pay full price for one!)


When I opened Laura’s package, I also had a Beauty UK palette inside that I haven’t asked or paid for. She hasn’t gotten back to me yet so I’m not sure if it was accidental! I also picked up Snob l/s by MAC from Caroline but I’ve left it at my bf’s. I’ll certainly do a l/s of the moment for it though, I love it!

My friend also gave me 2 Dazzle Dusts she never uses so I thought I’d swatch them up too


We have number 14(Khaki) and number 64(Fuchsia) both of which are gooorgeous.

Link me to you blog sales/ blog sale hauls.


Saturday, 3 October 2009

Weight Loss-update

I am so chuffed with myself, I thought I’d give you guys an update on my weight. Nearly 8 weeks ago I started a stricter diet in order to lose a bit of weight. Now I am a pound away from losing a stone since I started!! Monday is weighing day for me so if I’m good tomorrow, I might just reach it. This is a massive achievement for me as I have a rubbish relationship with food. I seem to fit the mould of every “type” of eater described by dieticians, obsessive, emotional etc and I’ve found it really difficult.

Today has been the first time I’ve realised how much my body has changed. I’ve wanted some slouchy boyfriend fit jeans for ages, but I know my shape isn’t really right for them. I took a chance on some today and grabbed a size smaller than I have been, and bought them without trying them on. I also bought a top in 2 sizes smaller than I’ve been getting, as they had no others. I tried both of them on a moment ago and they both fit perfectly!! I am now back to a ten on top and a twelve on the bottom. I am SHOCKED. I feel fantastic actually, and this is the boost I’ve needed to carry on. Chuffed isn’t the word.

To celebrate, I need your help. Should I buy this red version of this dress?


I saw it today and loved it. I feel like I might be able to pull it off now. Voting lines are open now and will close at midday tomorrow.
