Wednesday, 29 July 2009
July Favourites
*Eccentricity mineralize e/s quad by MAC
From the CC collection. I realised I haven't even done my CC haul and it was ages ago now! I choose this quad, which is described as "Shade description: Rich gold, Light violet, Deep plum, Rich bronze" on MAC(sorry no cam cable so no photos) as the colours all go well with my brown eyes.
I've been house sitting for various people for 2 weeks now, so I threw this in my make up bag whilst packing. It's the only e/s I brought with me, and I'm glad. All the colours compliment each well and really blendable. The colour pay off is really good as well, other people seem to have a problem with this with some of the other quads.
*Studio moisture fix by MAC
I love this moisturiser. It's really light, sinks in the skin well and leaves a great base for foundation. I put this on before make up in the morning and leave the heavier foundations for bed time. I got it on a whim at CCO for like £8(RRP £19!) and it's the best moisturiser I've used for under make up
*Cleanse & Clear eye make up remover by No7
I have been testing eye make up removers for months now and this one has easily been the best. It's slightly oily so it doesn't rub our eyes as you take off the make up, and stops black panda eyes in the morning(which has been my problem since I was about 13). I'm waiting to try it on the ultimate test- removing DiorShow Blackout Waterproof mascara, and then I'll do an eye maker remover post
*Buzz Tinted lip glass by MAC.
I haven't really seen anyone mention the lipglasses from Naked Honey(which I think got completely overshadowed by CC!) but I love this colour. Again, I haven't got any photos-MAC describes it as "Dark copper brown with multi-dimensional pearl" but I would say it's got more of a brick red colouration to it. It's completely not a colour I'd usually wear(nudes and pinks) but it looks great on and I've had loads of compliments whilst wearing it.
*Maybelline Dream Sun Glow Bronzing booster
I've used this for a few years now and still keep on buying. It's a liquid bronzer that you can use on it's own or add to foundation. I use it to darken my foundation when I've tanned and it means I can match my skin tone more naturally. It's just fantastic. I use a small travel container with it pre mixed with my foundation so it's easy to take with me in my make up bag. I've finished my bottle so I'll be buying some more when my shopping ban is up on Friday.
That's just a few things I've been reaching for more than others this months, what have your favourites been in July?
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Quick question
Much Love
Friday, 24 July 2009
What rocks and what doesn't..
What Rocks.
*Lip products
I never used to wear lipstick or gloss but I've gotten back into it in a big way. I really like Barry M lipsticks, and MAC glosses. I'm so in love with Dazzleglasses. I like choosing a lip product to go with my outfit/face each day, and re-applying at work(which I do constantly)
*Colour Crafted lipstick by MAC
As above, my absolute favorite is Colour Crafted at the moment. It's just the perfect pink for me. I wish I'd realised it was going to be so popular, I would've bought more. I've gotten all my work mates obsessed with it and now they can't get it:( Fear not! I'm on a mission to find a dupe next month so I'll share it if I find one.
*Four Weddings
I discovered this programme last night. It's brilliant. Like Come Dine with Me, but 4 women attend and score each others weddings. Complete bitch fest. It's on Living, Mondays at 9.
I'm going to NYC in THIRTEEN WEEKS. So excited. I've been looking at Forever 21 and Sephora recently and getting in the shopping mood!
*Actual wedding
My big brother proposed to his girlfriend last Friday. I'm just sooo excited! I looove weddings and I'm really pleased for them both. I actually get a sister!!
*Getting my best friend back.
She's been at uni for the past 3 years, only coming home in the holidays, but as of next week, she'll be home forever! I'm so excited.
What sucks..
*Not shopping
It's killing me. I have to avoid shops. I went to Boots on the way to work the other morning to get Bonjela(sore wisdom tooth) and found myself lurking in the make up aisle! I had to remind myself that I was going to be late for work and literally ran away to avoid buying something!
Still, payday in ONE WEEK!
*Working Saturday AGAIN.
Just. UGH.
I just can't stop eating. It's all really bad for me. I am going on a diet. soon. I'm the biggest ever. and I've just calculated my BMI and I'm slightly over weight. YUCK
I love my brother's cats. I'm looking after them at the moment, but WHY do they decide it's cuddles and play time at 5 AM.
I'm still in shoe hell. Seriously, please tell me UK ladies, what shoes you're wearing in this vile weather?
That's me for now.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Boots are made for walking

Thursday, 16 July 2009
Tanning problem!
I've been using Dove gradual tanner and it's gone really patchy and streaky, now I'm not sure what to do. Do I just leave it streaky or try to apply my proper tanner over the top? Do you think I should just slap some instant tan on and see what that looks like?
HEEELP Please!
Monday, 13 July 2009
Photo tag
Basically you go to the 6th folder on your photos and then select the 6th photo, post it and explain the story behind it. I'm gonna do a couple though, so I'll select the 6th photo from the 6th folder, then go 12th folder, 12th photo etc
Photo num 6
The album is "Route 2005-08-09" basically just a night out folder from a few years back

This is a photo of my friend Andy's bum. We used to go to Route, a club near us, every Monday, and pose for photos which I'd then put on Myspace blogs(like a primative Facebook I guess) He wanted one of his sexy bum
Photo num 12
Album Route 2005-09-29
We went to Route ALOT

My friend Gareth, with a pint, drinking in the Reg, a pub we always went to beforehand
Photo 24
Album- My birthday 2005-11-17

My friend Kelly on my 19th birthday, out at ROUTE. This was my best ever birthday night out. Everything was just brilliant- all my photos from that night are stupid like this!
I'm not going to go on anymore- every album I pick is of pics at Route. I don't go anymore(it's on Mondays- a school night!) but I obviously went far too much when I was younger
Please do this tag, anyone! leave me a comment if you do, I wanna read em!
Sunday, 12 July 2009
NOTD && hair velcro
I highly recommend them, they do come in pack of 2, so I have 6!
Saturday, 11 July 2009
New Spex

What do you think?
Thursday, 9 July 2009
What rocks..and what doesn't
What rocks..
* 2 new MAC Collections which I love. I've told myself that I was only buying 2 things from Naked Honey, and nothing from Colour Craft but I saw swatches and couldn't resist an eyeshadow and lipstick. Order in.
*My new Marc B bag. I haven't got any actual photos yet but it was £12.99 instead of £39.00 from TkMaxx! It's a black, quilted chain bag, but the stitching on the quilting is neon pink, green and orange!

* Jonathan Creek. It's fast becoming my favourite programme. There's one on every night at 9 on Uk Gold. Even though I've seen most of them, I can never remember how they've been done. I might have a tiny and very weird crush on him too.
*Long cardigans. I've bought 3 in different colours recently. What did I ever do before them? I've been keeping warm in them, with a long white scarf.
*SEVENTY THREE FOLLOWERS! HIII EVERYONE! It's nice to know people are interested in my drivel! THANKS!
What sucks..
* Not having a MAC near me so having to view peoples swatches online and then decide what I want from them. It's never the same as in real life. I hope I've chosen good colours.
*Working Saturday. I should've had Wednesday off this week, but I choose to go in and work extra flexi. 6 day week makes me sad. No Friday feeling :(
*This weather. SERIOUSLY what shoes do I wear? Too hot for boots, impending rain doom for sandals. How is everyone else coping?
*my Gal pal at work going off for the summer in a few weeks. 5 weeks without her sitting next to me :(
*Spending too much money. Lets think how much I've spent this week. £50 in Primark, £15 in Boots, £12.99 in Tkmaxx and £70 on MAC. That's almost £150! Not including coffees, mags, lunch etc. I feel a bit ill now. I'm going to have to STOP shopping.
That's it for the noo.
I love ins and outs, leave me a comment if you do one so I can read
Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The Honest Scrap TAG
You have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. then you have to tag ten people with the award. Finally, let all the people you've given the award to know they have gotten it ( comment their blogs or somethings). Don't forget to link back to the person who awarded you.
I've never done one of these before but I've been a bit lazy with blogs lately so I thought I'd give this one a go.
I was tagged by the lovely Carly at Cheated hearts- Check her out if you haven't already, her OOTD are really cute
1. I was named after a page 3 model. Yep Sian Aedy-Jones was a page 3 model and former Miss Wales. Nice. I'm not actually welsh though, I was just named after my dad's favourite page 3 model. Classy
Here she is

2. I read loads of tacky books. Jackie Collins is my favourite. I think I have read all her books.
3. I love going on holiday. I've gone to America 3 years in a row- Florida, Vegas and this year, NYC. I also quite like Disney holidays. I've been to Florida twice and Paris four times. That's a bit much isn't it?
4. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 1/2 years. :)
5. I'm saving up to buy a house/flat. I want a 2 bedroom place so I can have a dressing room. We should be ready after Christmas!
6. I'm really messy. Disgustingly so. My room is appalling. I really don't treat my clothes well
7. I have a massive phobia of frogs.
8. Chanel is my favourite luxery brand (saying designer just doesn't feel right). It's my dream to have a Chanel bag. I make do with sunglasses at the moment
9. I have lived in the same town all my life. Until last year, I had also lived in the same house all my life!
10. I buy expensive accesories but cheap clothes. My whole wardrobe is practically Primark. it's because I usually wear things once and then get more stuff. I really don't like Topshop, it's over priced.
That's me! I tag anyone who hasn't gotten round to this yet!